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         Ghost Wife Radio

Ghost Wife Radio explores grief and loss within a group of friends and how the death of one person has a profound effect on the people closest to her.   Through humor, rage, sadness and secrets revealed each person deals with their need to grieve and move on.

Matt - Matt can’t deal with the loss of his wife until he starts talking with her every night.  Either as a figment of his imagination  or  a celestial spirit Matt uses the time he spends with Helen to figure out what to do with the rest of his life.

Abby - Helen’s best friend and wife of Tim.  She’s sexy and tough but mothering to Matt and uses the need to take care of everyone to hide the pain she is going through.

Tim - Matt’s best friend.  He uses humor and charm to alleviate  the pain going through his group of friends but falls short at times.

Brian - Helen’s gay younger brother.  As a member of  Helen’s group of friends as well as her younger brother he has to cope with loss on both a friend and sibling front.

Miles - Brian’s husband.  Miles is constantly there for Brian.  He provides both strength and wisdom to the whole group

Zoe - An incredibly successful, beautiful driven and damaged woman.  Although she and Matt  have an instant attraction towards each other their pain may be too much to do anything about it.

Helen - Beautiful and graceful. She comes to Matt every night to finish the conversations in their lives that need finishing.   She either is the life raft that Matt so desperately need or the anchor that will eventually drown him

​​​Ghost Wife Radio

Runs December 11 - 23, 2012

Tuesday - Friday 7pm

Saturday and Sunday 2pm

Tickets Available

Or call: 212 239 6200

Roy Arias Theatre, 300 W. 43rd St., 5th fl.

New York, NY 10036

Music by Break Thru Radio

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