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Giada Hansen (Zoe)

With an immense appetite for life and great curiosity, a spur of the moment visit, led to Sicilian born and Danish actress Giada Hansen’s move to New York City in September 2004.  Formerly a dancer in London, Giada made the transition into acting in roles such as Sebastian in “Twelfth Night”, and Leslie in BBC’s “Talking Heads” at The Bridewell Theater on the Strand. She also appeared in several episodes of “Casualty” on the BBC.  Since then Giada graduated the Atlantic Theater Company Acting School (NYU), where she played Mary Brenham in “Our Country’s Good”.   Her most recent projects include roles such as Sherry Whitley in "You have the Right to remain Violent", Amanda in Noel Coward’s “Private Lives” at Roy Arias Theater, Cindy in "The Crack Down" (independent Feature Film S.I. Film Festival), Talya in "Twist of Fate", "Raw Skin", "Pick up Club" (Lumina Films), "Angel of the Night" (Shaky Gonzales), FBI agent Zepeda in “The End is the Beginning”, Shower Fan in “Colin Fitz Lives” and hosting the pilot "Fun is Free" for the Travel Channel.  

Michael DeBartolo (Brian)

Michael DeBartolo is a recent graduate of the Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theater. He starred in Levi Shrader's original play, Hardships Jeer Love, at the Avant-garde Festival and played the wild party-goer, Jerry, in Aaron Leventman's Second Year Itch, at the Strawberry One-Act Festival this past summer. He loves acting and plans to pursue a career in theater and film. He thanks his family, friends and teachers for all of the love and knowledge they have given him. Finally, he dedicates this performance to his big sister, Brittany.

Giada Hansen

Michael DeBartolo

​​​Ghost Wife Radio

Runs December 11 - 23, 2012

Tuesday - Friday 7pm

Saturday and Sunday 2pm

Tickets Available

Or call: 212 239 6200

Roy Arias Theatre, 300 W. 43rd St., 5th fl.

New York, NY 10036

Music by Break Thru Radio

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